About Hamilton Souther

My Story

Sacred Exploration

Hamilton's Journey



Founded Blue Morpho Started apprenticeship in the Amazon under the tutelage of the legendary Julio Llerena Pinedo

Started Healing

Hamilton put his skills into practice and started healing Amazon locals



Covered by New York Times

Began healing visitors from around the globe. First positive publication on healing with ayahuasca in the world

Master Teacher

First westerner, to be titled Maestro Medico Vegetalista at the age of 25



National Geographic

Featured in National Geographic Adventure Magazine and TV.

First 1000 clients and published author

Pioneer of the neo-shamanic revolution Published Journey of One



Completed 1000 Ceremonies

Safely guided over 5000 participants through Ayahuasca Ceremony

Elite Coaching

Started Coaching and mentoring Elite Founders, CEO’s and business people



Going Global

Live streamed the first global plant medicine healing ceremony to 10k+ participants in 15 countries.

Innovation Lab

Started a innovation lab to impact global problems with next-generation technology



Business Success

Blue Morpho Tours over 10,000+ clients

Business Expansion

Published Medicine Vs Sorcery Launched Gaia Labs building LiquidEarth and FullStock technology platforms



Blue Morpho Academy

Launched the Blue Morpho Academy – First school to standardize plant medicine practices for safety, professionalism and certification of practitioners.

Satisfied Participants
0 +
Years of Experience
Countries Represented
0 +
Community Members
0 +

How Can You Work With Hamilton?

Plan Medicine Tours

Join Hamilton on sacred plant medicine tours. Experience eternity for yourself under the guidance of an experience maestro.

Group Mentorship

Join Hamilton with a group of your peers from around the world as they explore the mysteries of the universe together and learn from each other.

1-on-1 Consultations

Hamilton has worked with high-profile clients, including celebrities, business leaders, and CEO's, for the past 20 years.

Courses and Classes

Would you like to learn to facilitate plant medicine experiences for your clients? Let Hamilton teach you to do this safely and legally.

Create your greatness

Four Areas for Success

There are 4 main centers to a person’s life. If any of these are out of balance, life because much more challenging. I help you to improve these 4 aspects of life leading to an overall improved experience.


Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual


With Self, family, friends, community and society


With Source and Spirit


Life Purpose, Finances, Impact and Legacy

by Hamilton Souther

The keys to life’s success encompass a profound understanding of healing, balance, harmony, grounding, and the reorientation of consciousness. Healing allows us to mend the wounds of the past and cultivate resilience. Balance ensures that we allocate our time and energy wisely, avoiding burnout and enabling sustainable growth. Harmony with ourselves and the world around us fosters peace and connection. Grounding anchors us in the present moment, providing stability amidst life’s storms. Lastly, the reorientation of consciousness empowers us to shed limiting beliefs, expand our horizons, and embrace the endless possibilities that lie before us. These keys not only unlock the doors to success but also pave the way for a rich and fulfilling life.

Image of Master Shaman Hamilton Souther working on a computer as indication of Contact Us page